A New Bear World

Finally got around to updating this sweet little game! 

I made this silly interactive narrative for my final class of university more than a year ago now. The effort I put into these ideas and stories was more than a bit rushed but has continued to hold a special place in my heart ever since. I’ve been meaning to comb over the game again and fix up some of the little mistakes and bugs that have floated around but I just never got around to it until now. I want to say this was my “yearly revisit” to see how my project fares after a year of creative growth, but it just took this long to make some of the most minor of changes. 

I’m very proud of this piece and the efforts I put into learning Twine to make it work. Thankfully the tools Twine provides combined with my passable file naming skills have helped make these fixes a lot more straightforward (if not with a few hiccups). 

The various changes made were as follows:

  • Fixed various grammatical errors
  • Changed the Frog and Cat designs**
  • Fixed the hidden route so that it functions the way I originally intended…
  • Added a few more quality-of-life improvements
  • Got it working on both mobile and the Picmoosh website!
  • Updated game thumbnail and title graphic to a more representative image of Bear x World

I put a lot of thought into the game when making it and those ideas have kept bouncing around my head for some time. I’m always looking to recycle past and new ideas and put them into something tangible, something I need to get into the habit of more (millie knows these habits of mine all too well…). In the far-off future I hope to make more of these devlog-type articles, as well as address more of the changes and design decisions I put into Bear x World as a whole.

With all that out of the way, hope your day is lovely, and stay tuned for more potential projects like this, mayhaps even a continuation of these particular characters and the world they inhabit…

— Z x

** When I originally published the game, my Frog and Cat character designs were largely inspired by the work of Libby Frame (the particular pieces I’m referring to can be found here). It was inspired so strongly that they were more or less replicas of her work. So I thought it best to fix those up to fit the style of my other characters and give a shout-out to Libby and all her amazing work. Hopefully that makes up for things just a tad x

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